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1. Computer was running out of memory about every 2 hours for several days which caused
great frustration as PC had to be rebooted then. Rebooting PC took 20 mins and then restart
took another 10 mins. This looked like a virus problem but it wasn’t I identified the root cause
was due to wi-fi hardware problem. Customer was happy that PC was operational straight
away by an alternative connection to the Internet pending for wi-fi hardware to arrive to
replace the broken hardware in her laptop.
3. Home business worker wanted to use two screens. One in portrait and one in landscape
format. I was able to source a different monitor stand so that one of the screens could be
rotated to mount in portrait position. Settings were then made on the computer and on the monitor so that the home worker could now comfortably work with A4 documents in full.
2. Customer just bought a Windows 8 tablet as portable alternative to his laptop. The tablet was designed to either charge at the mains or in use using battery but not at the same time. I came up with an innovative walk around which meant that the customer was able to use this Windows tablet with an external monitor, mouse, keyboard and disks at his home office without the tablet’s battery power draining in use. The customer was over the moon as he could work in his home office as usual. As soon as he had to go out on business he could take this tablet with him in a battery state as well charged as before.